Sunday, August 23, 2009

Grace in Small Things #171 of 365

1. This night sky in North Carolina Blue Ridge

2. This ampi-theater where I got to tell my stories on Saturday night

3. Mountain and foothill loot:

4. My loving cousins who loved on my dogs, spic n span'd my refrigerator, organized my studio, all for love. My ten year-old cousin left me her hand-drawn kisses:

5. Welcome home greeting party:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Grace in Small Things #169 of 365

1. creamy goat cheese and pears, cold dry white wine

2. girls at any age sitting around the pool catching up

3. male forearms

4. excellent words whose sounds match their meaning like buzz and zing and sanctimonious

5. bedside tables

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Love Thursday #11: Blowing Bubbles

Don't you just love bubble blowing?

But it's hard work...

For more Love Thursday, Checkout Chookooloonks.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Love Thursday #10: Stone Fruit

Keb Mo played on the stereo and a terrific thunderstorm pounded outside while I made this

folks you love in mind--it feels important.

For more Love Thursday, check out Chookooloonks.