Thursday, June 25, 2009

Love Thursday #4: Traveller

He can't walk, but he can ride.

For more Love Thursday, check out Chookooloonks.


Daily said...

i love, love this so much. wouldn't it be great if your neighbors starting whispering about you, like "did you SEE her with that dog in the stroller?"

i'm unusually fond of being whispered about for my odd behavior. i don't do it on purpose, it just happens naturally.

MrsDoF said...

So very sweet how you help him out with getting around.

Usually I come here on Love Thursdays, but I thought of you Sunday because the New Names list of births in the paper has a baby girl name Lola Rae.
I hope she grows with beauty....


Gayle said...

Awww, how sweet! Happy Love Thursday!

kath said...

He look so content!
Happy Love Thursday.

Marie said...

Ohhhhhhhhh!!!! That is PURE fur-mommy love. I'm sure he LOVES going out for a spin!!

xup said...

Like piglet said, I'll bet you're the talk of the neighbourhood.